How Managers should protect themselves from hackers

Data competence is becoming increasingly important for managers. This also includes having practical knowledge of data protection and data security, not only for the purely professional track, but also for private life. After all, executives are more often the target of hackers than any other participants in the digital world.

For hackers, executives are a worthwhile target, because they have decision-making power, budgetary sovereignty, access to many IT systems – and you are personally vulnerable!

As part of our short seminars for executives, DATANOMIQ trains executives in discreet individual seminars to protect themselves from hackers professionally and privately. The following topics are on the agenda:

  • You learn the mindset of the hacker
  • Legal crash course: data protection and data security
  • Individual social engineering scenarios
  • Comprehensible introduction to network security
  • Securing social media and emails
  • Securely hiding critical data
  • Implementing encryption

The topics are taught by an experienced coach who is familiar with the needs of managers. The short seminars are usually held as 1-day seminars directly at the executive’s workplace. Joint seminars with colleagues are also possible.

Price on request!

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